Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Bitter Sweet!

Today is the 1st official day our house is on the market. It’s bitter sweet, I know it being on the market means that we are almost done with Residency but I can’t help being sad. We LOVE our house, from the moment we first walked in (it was still in the building process) we both fell in love. I’ve known we would have to sell but it always seem so far into the future not reality. Even last night when the sign was being put in the yard it didn’t hit me. This morning when I got up and check my email and our realtor had already emailed me about someone wanting to see the house, it HIT ME! It hasn’t made to yet, it’s only been in the MLS since 4pm yesterday and someone wants to see it already!! Like, our realtor (who is also a friend of mine) said it’s a good sign. I found myself thinking they can’t see my house. This is the home we brought both of our children home to it has their nurseries. I spent hours working in their rooms. Alana first steps and words where in the house. Davis, crawled for the first time here, and at some point he will take his first steps. Our house means so much to us, the memories. We have a picture of John and I in the front courtyard the day we found out we where expecting Alana. Those are memories we will take with us forever. The sad truth is Alana and Davis won’t remember this house. Through pictures Alana might remember but even then I don’t think she will. There are so many things about this house we will miss. We have our close friends two doors down, it will be so sad to leave them. Just yesterday, the kids where playing and Owen (the Brown’s little boy) looked right at us and said, I love her meaning Alana. It was so sweet! They are going to miss each other so much. Alana thinks he is moving with us. She keeps telling him when we move to Portland, we can play with more of my toys, my mommy had to put them in storage. It will be one sad day in June when we drive away from this house. I will miss driving up the hill to the neighborhood, going down and Alana telling me we are on a roller coaster and putting her hands in the air! Camino Del Sol, it’s been a good 6 years we will miss you like crazy!


Scott and Shawna said...

I totally get it!! Enjoy these last months in El Paso!! I know you will make your new home feel great... but, you will alway miss the memories made where you are right now!

Courtney said...

Ahhh, change is so hard!

lexi said...

Wiping away the will always have your memories there! But now you have many more to look forward to making:)

lexi said...

Sorry, that was me Amber! My daughter is logged on my computer, uhgg!!