Saturday, February 20, 2010

Back to Blogging!

It's been a few months since I last posted, busy life of a mother of two. Now, that Davis is getting older I’m hoping to have more time to blog. Since we are moving 2,000 miles away in 3 ½ months, I think it will help for family and friends to keep up with us.

We are doing great, preparing for our move to Portland, OR. Lots to do between now and June but it’s all coming together. I can’t believe we are in the final months of Residency. Time as gone so fast, it feels like it was just yesterday that John told me we where moving to El Paso for Residency. That was over 6 years ago! When I was a kid I would have given anything for time to go faster now as an adult I wish it would slow down some. Our kids are growing up fast. I love the stage of life we are in right now. I wish I could freeze time.

Like I said before, John is in his final months of Residency, you would think 4 years of under grad, 4 years of Medical School and 6 years of Residency would be enough schooling for him but not my John. He has 2 more years to go. He is going to fellowship in Pediatric Surgery! I sure hope he is done after that for a while!

Alana is just prefect! She is 4 going on 25, there is never a dull moment with her. I love being her mommy, she is an emotional train wreck most days, but they say that is Girl for you. She has taken to being the BIG sister like a duck to water. She loves Davis, always worried about him. If she isn’t wearing a princess crown then something is wrong. It’s a daily fashions statement in our house. I have to wear them at times only because she tells me every princess needs a Queen! She can’t wait to move to Portland. Over the last few months I have been putting things in storage Alana has been great about it. Telling me “Mommy, I will play with that again, it just needs to put up for people to buy our house”. I expected it to be a lot harder on her but she once again shows me how easy going with change she is.

Davis…. Oh my sweet baby boy!! He is 8 months old now, and gives me a run for my money daily. I have to watch him like a hock. He has thrown himself out of his high chair, turned the hot water on himself a few times, fallen off the bed a few times. If you set him down he will take off, he is crawling backwards and sideways. He can go front wards but realizes he can get there fast by rolling. The other day he got himself stuck in under my dresser. His favorite place is under my bed, he laughs when he gets under there. He is busy. He up to 17 pounds and doing great!!! For be a 33 weeker the kid has caught up, no delays at this point. We have been told that if there aren’t any developmental delays at this point he won’t have any. I sure hope he isn’t walking before we move, he can be delayed on walking mommy would be just fine with that.

I hope to blog more over the coming months.

1 comment:

Megan said...

He is so big, I am happy that he hasn't had any delays, he looks like he is doing great, getting into stuff like all little ones do!!

Love ya,