Sunday, April 26, 2009

Alana Hospital Stay:(

Most of you know that Alana was in the hospital this past week but don’t know why. Well, it because she was throwing up blood, yes I said BLOOD. It all started on Tuesday when Alana woke up she was off but couldn’t tell me what was wrong. I went ahead and took her to school but she cried when I left (SHE HAS NEVER DONE THAT BEFORE). After coming home and running, I just couldn’t get her little face when I walked out of her class room off my mind so I jumped in the car and went and got her. As, I walked in she seem OK, her teacher told me that she wasn’t herself. I knew I was right in coming to get her early. She fell asleep in the car on the way home, I moved her to her bed, and about 45 minutes later I heard her crying. I went in to check on her and she said, I need BIG HIGSS and KISS and then turned her head and throw-up all over me the bed, wall, with some even making it across the room. It was VERY VIOLENT. That evening she wasn’t great but never throw-up again not until Wednesday morning around 4:30am. She started crying, when I went in her room. I could see spots of stuff on her sheets and stuff all over face. In my own sleepy state I ask her if she had pooped and she starting crying say NO mommy, then realized it was blood. At first I thought she had a bloody nose and went to get some thing to clean it up, once I got her clean, I laid with her and a few minutes later she started throwing up everywhere. I ran and turn the light on and all I could see is Alana sitting in a pool of blood. I called John who told me to call the doctor. Well, I didn’t have time by the time I got Alana changed and moved to the couch I was cleaning up blood again in the living room. This happened a few more times, before I was able to call John back and tell him that she had done it again. By, now it was close to 7am. He told me to call the doctor (he was trying to figure out what ER he wanted me to take her in the mean time) I was able to get her into the doctor 45 minutes later. From there we went to the local Children’s Hospital where she spent two days on IV fluids. What they think happened is she busted a blood vessel in her esophagus. Which caused her to throw up blood. Her labs came back all out of whack, she was VERY dehydrated. It took a little over 24 hours for Alana to pee, that is how dehydrated she was.

  Alana is doing so much better now. She is still sleeping a ton it will take some time for her little body to rebound. She has lost a few pounds, so her clothes are hanging on her, I am sure it will come back over the next few weeks.  I pray this NEVER happens again. Every time Alana gets a stomach virus I am going to be on pins and needles.

 I have a few pictures of her when she was so sick but they make me sad so I am going just post the ones of her feeling better.

This is on Thursday afternoon about 30 hours of IV fluids she started coming back into her own. Her cousin Emily sent her this HAT. She loved it. Thanks Cousin Emily!!! 

I love this picture!! This is a sign that Cousin Emily and Will made her. my mom helped her hang it in her room. My mom fly out on Wednesday, with John in Residency and on call, I spent Wednesday morning by myself and you could say I was an emotional train wreck. He was able to be with us, that afternoon but not on Thursday. It was a god sent having my mom there. Alana was a bit of handful on Thursday. 

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The interviewing is over…. Now the wait begins!!

On Friday, Alana and I picked John up for the 15th time in 2 months from the airport. On Tuesday he left for Canada for his last 2 out of 19 interviews. I am so glad that it’s OVER. It has been a very long two months. We spent most of the time he was gone interviewing in Denver. You could say, Alana and I where lonely we missed John and our friends so much. By the end of March when John left for a 4-day sweep of interviews Alana asked me “Mommy, why can’t we go home?” I said to her that daddy had to work in Denver for a few more days. Her responds was “But Daddy is never home, he keeps going on big trips.” (That is what we called the interviews to her).  I just smiled and thought poor baby, she can’t understand why she can’t have her house, friends or daddy. I am grateful that she is so young she won’t remember how little John is around, she will just remember the fun they had when he was. The hardest part of the last two months was when she would get sad and tell me “But mommy, I just miss my house and friends so much.” I would tell her they miss her too. It would break my heart because I missed them just has much as she did. Most, of you know that we have been traveling in and out of El Paso for the last year for John to do away rotations. The longest we came back for was 2 VERY SHORT months. I’m super glad John is done interview but even more glad that we ARE HOME for GOOD!! John will have to go back to Denver next year but we aren’t sure when or for how long. Something I don’t plan to put on my radar until next fall.


We find out about Fellowship in May. We both have prayed and believe that if this is God’s will then, it will happen. We feel it’s in God’s hands now. John has done the best he can. I ask that you pray for John, that no matter what the decision is in May that John finds peace in it. We know that the first year of applying is a long shot.


For those of you who don’t’ know John will start his last year of Residency on July 1st!! Yes, we still have one more year but after 5 years we are taking this year head ON!! Besides, it will be one of the best years of our lives, Davis will join us and complete our family. 

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Davis and I at 25 weeks!!

Well, tons of people have asked again so here you go! My sweet little boy has finally popped out!! It only took 24 weeks! I love it!! I think I am finally passed the morning sickness well for me it was ALL DAY SICKNESS! It’s been a week since I last got sick, I am starting to branch out on what I eat. Praying it won’t come back up, and it hasn’t THANK GOD!! As, I posted before he is a mover, the little man never stops he wakes me up at night kicking me. Once, I move he stops I am telling you he is going to be just as strong willed as his sister. He’s not even here and controlling what I do. John and I feel so blessed to have both of them. I think me being pregnant again is starting to hit John. He came home on Monday from work, and jumped back when he saw me. Then, he smiled and said “YOU HAVE A BELLY”. I just smile and said yea, there is a kid in there. He smiled and said, “I know, I know but you have a belly.” That made my week. I can’t hide Davis anymore you can see him in everything I wear.


This is me with Davis at 25 weeks….

This is me with Alana at 25 weeks…..