Saturday, March 28, 2009

Davis's and I at 23 weeks!

OK, so lot's of people have asked me how big I am... Since, we aren't home or near any family. I thought I would post a picture of us. In the last month I have doubled in size. John and I think I am showing BIG TIME but people who don't know me say I just look like I ate too much. You can judge for yourself. I am way bigger at this point with him than I was with Alana. When we look at the pictures of me from Alana's pregnancy we both laugh, we thought I was big with her.  He is a mover way more than Alana, he lets me know if he doesn't like the way I am laying or pants I'm wearing. I had to put away my favorite pair of jeans because he would kick me so much in them. They didn't feel tight to me but he sure didn't LIKE THEM.  

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Davis's Bedding

Here is a picture of the bedding we got Davis!! I LOVE IT!!! I can't wait to get it and paint his room. We also got him a new crib, it's cherry wood, so it won't be as dark!! Yep, I'm going all BLUE!!