Saturday, May 30, 2009

Bed Rest... 32 weeks TODAY!!!

It’s been 3 weeks and 3 days since I was placed on bed rest. I thought I would blog about my doctor appts to keep everyone informed. For those of you who don’t know why I am on bed rest I have Pregnancy Induced Hyperion (High Blood Pressure). I know crazy a marathon runner with high blood pressure. It’s even hard for the doctor to wrap his mind around. It just goes to  show you it can happen to anyone.

So here is some background this DID not happened out the clear blue, I have been running high since my first appt at 9 weeks. I don’t think anyone was super surprised since I had Alana 6 weeks early due to Pre-Eclampsia. After being monitor very close for a few weeks I was place on medicine for the high blood pressure. It seemed to help in the beginning bringing it down into a more normal range. At my 20 week appt it was getting a little higher but still in a good range, at that point the doctor was more concerned about my lack of weight gain. I was so sick for the first 22 weeks, at my 20 week appt I had only put on a half a pound. The baby looked great to me that’s all that matter. Once we got over the morning sickness I starting putting on weight and looking pregnant. We were back home and in normal life, to be honest life was prefect.

At my 24 week appt my pressure was getting high again, so we upped my meds hoping that would help and it did for a short time. At this point I was seeing the doctor once a week for pressure checks. Things where going fine until my 28 week appt. I started running 160/105 again. I was placed on modified bed rest (6 hours a day of laying my left side) I just stared at him, the really crusher was NO MORE RUNNING. I was heart broken but I would do what ever I had to do to keep this little boy inside me. It didn’t hit me how serious this was until I was driving home. I was in total shock, if we didn’t get this under control my son would be here before he was ready. Thinking I’m super mom I thought I could do it all be on bed rest and take care of our 3 year old. It took John and my mom beating it in me for a few days before I realized that I needed help if I want to carry him longer. So, as many of you know my parents took Alana with them to Dallas for a week so that my mom could get things in order to move in with us until the baby is born. Watching them drive away was the hardest thing I have ever done, sending my daughter away so that my son can stay save inside me. It was a longest week of my life. I’ve NEVER been so happy to see my little girl.


That week at my doctor appt my pressure wasn’t much better, so he started me on steroids to get the baby’s lungs ready for delivery. Here I’m a not even 30 weeks pregnant getting steroid shots so my son lungs are ready. He also moved me from 6 hours a day of bed rest to 8 hours a day and upped my meds. Telling John and I this should get us to 32 weeks. When we walked out of there I was a mess. I did everything I could to hold it together. I walked around with a heavy heart, praying for God to give us more time. I already watched my daughter fight for her life in the beginning I couldn’t do it again with my son. I just couldn’t go through that again. I must have cried a 100 times that weekend. I know people talk about how amazing their husbands are all the time, well mine really is. He is so supportive and understanding. He really helped me get through that ruff patch. Reminding me that I am doing everything I can do to keep him inside me, that many things are working on my side. At the same time understanding why I felt the way I did and reminding me that it was OK, I had every right to be scared. He was just as scared as I was but felt we could get me to 32 weeks. The doctor let me call in my home blood pressure that week, in hopes that would be lower and THEY WHERE!! That meant the bed rest was working. I was getting some really good pressure it was answer to all of our prayers. My baby girl was home, screaming and running around like the crazy princess she is, my pressure where doing great and I was getting spend time with my mom. Life was so good that week. I even went to Circus with Alana and John, it was some well deserved FUN.


The silly, mommy I am I quit taken my pressure at home, afraid they where going up. I liked living in my prefect little Blood pressure world. Well, my fear was right as this past week went on my pressure where going back up. It makes me want to cry right now, they weren’t too bad but slowly getting higher. On Thursday, I got a 153/94 read I knew I the doctor was about to change things up again. If you wondering how I knew, the headaches. They haven’t been bad but the week that we got good reads I didn’t have a single one. Once, I got one I knew it was going up again.


So, on Friday at my now almost 32-week appt YAY!! 32 weeks!! WE MADE IT!! My pressure was 155/94, which for me was OK, not better but not worse. The baby looked GREAT weighting 3 lbs 7 oz, he has chubby checks just like his sister. (The joys of being high risk I get a 3D Ultra sound every visit). The doctor spent quite a bit of time with us, telling us what was ahead. Basically he told us that we have 30% chance of the high blood pressure affecting the baby. That at this point I could go at any time depending on how I’m doing and how Davis is doing. Then he told me the words every mother facing delivery 2 months early needs to hear YOUR BABY WILL BE FINE, if HE IS BORN. That everyday we get past here is gravy for us. The plan of action from here is that I will be seen twice a week to get Non-Stress test on the baby to make sure he is still doing OK. After, we where done talking to the doctor John and I walked to another room where they did the first Non-Stress test on Davis. Let me tell you, he DID not like that at all. He starting kicking the nurse before she could even get me hooked up. I have been telling John that we are in trouble with this little guy he NEVER stops moving, well he showed his daddy, the doctor and nurse that he was in control. He kicked the leads off twice. It’s just what I needed hearing his heart beating and feeling him kick me like crazy. I walked away with a smile as big as Texas on my face. I knew our son, was save in side me for a few more days.


I've had my moments over the last 24 hours that I feel like I could lose it any minute with all the stress. My mom and John keep telling me just feel it, be upset it’s OK. I know that this is in God hands. He knows what is best for Davis. A big pray was answer this week, I am 32 WEEKS today. 3 weeks ago I would have given anything to be here and now I am. My goal now is 34 weeks. I am going to take it 2 weeks at a time. I believe in my heart I can carry this little man until mid-July. As, long as I keep positive and know that it’s going to be 6 weeks of ups and downs.


Please keep us in your prayers, as I said before it’s going to be a lot of ups and downs. I now face that the baby could come at anytime. Lots of people have walked in my shoes before and they carried their babies to term. I pray that I can do that. To be honest I just want to carry him to the end of June. 

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